Monday, October 4, 2010

Girl with Dragon Tattoo Discussion Questions

I am going ahead and posting the Discussion Questions. Feel free to begin discussing and we can carry over into the meeting. We will meet this Sunday (Oct. 10th) at 2pm at my house.


1. Who do you consider the novel's protagonist, Lisbeth or Mikael? Why?

2. What point was Larsson trying to make with the themes running through this novel? How do issues such as man's brutality to women, journalistic integrity, and more general notions of trust tie in with each other throughout the book?

3. What function do the sex-crime statistics on each section's title page serve?

4. Re-read the passage from Mikael's book on page 103? What is its significance, in terms of the plot?

5. On page 156/157, Henrik tells Mikael, "If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s never engage in a fight you're sure to lose. On the other hand, never let anyone who has insulted you get away with it. Bide your time and strike back when you're in a position of strength - even if you no longer need to strike back." Over the course of the novel, who puts this advice to the best use? How, and why?

6. Discuss the character of Lisbeth. Some think she is a "perfect victim" (page 409), others find her intimidating, and Mikael wonders if she has Asperger's, but the reader is allowed to see exactly how her mind works. How do you see her? How do you think she sees herself?

7. What do you think about the way Lisbeth turns the tables on Bjurman? Is it admirable, or a sign that she's unstable?

8. On page 254, Lisbeth says her new tattoo is "a reminder." Of what?

9. Several times in the novel, Mikael’s journalistic ethics are challenged. Do you consider him to be ethical? In your opinion, is anyone in the novel truly honorable? Who, and why?

10. Blackmail is used several times in the novel, for different ends. Who uses it most effectively, and why?

11. On page 507, Mikael tells Lisbeth that to him, friendship requires mutual respect and trust. By those standards, who in this novel is a good friend? Is Mikael? What about Anita?

12. Discuss Henrik's request that Mikael never publish the Vanger story. Is it a reasonable request? Does Mikael's acquiescence change your opinion of him? Do Lisbeth's demands mitigate his ethical breach?

13. What ultimately drives Lisbeth to take action against Wennerström on her own? Does she go too far?

14. Re-read Mikael's statement about the media's responsibility at the top of page Can you think of a situation in the American media that is analogous to the Wennerström affair?

15. Discuss the ending. Was it satisfying to you? Why or why not?

16. Lisbeth Salander's character is enigmatic and antisocial throughout much of the book. What do you see as the catalyst for the slow emergence of her personality?

17. While poverty, social injustice, parental abuse, and difficult childhoods are often cited as explanations for criminal behavior, Lisbeth believes in free will and choice. Do you agree?

18. In Swedish, the title was Men who Hate Women, but it was changed to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo when it was translated to English. Which do you think is a more fitting title and were you surprised by the book's portrayal of right-wing fanaticism and violence against women in a country known for its liberal views?

19. Which character's duplicity -- or innocence -- did you find the most unexpected? Which one emerged as your favorite?

20. Were you able to solve the mystery in advance, and if so did it change your appreciation of the story?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Girl with Dragon Tattoo

Now that we know our book, we need to set a meeting time.

I am thinking the first week of October will give everyone a month to read the book. We can have it just about anytime I am not at work. So, vote on the side...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Meeting Time

It is time to decide when we will meet. I will host the first meeting and we can decide then if I will continue to host or if we want to rotate. What day do you want to meet?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Humble Beginnings

So here it is. If someone wants to take over and make it cute I will gladly hand it over. Look to the sidebar to vote for which book we should read first.